October 16, 2024


Today marks the 57th Anniversary of the emergence of the Republic of Biafra in the comity of nations.

On the solemn day of 30th May 1967, the Consultative Assembly from the then Eastern Nigeria, unanimously affirmed the right to self-determination of their indigenous population to be identified as Biafra with their millennial name Biafra.

The flag of the Republic of Biafra consisting of a horizontal tricolour of red, black, and green, charged with a golden rising sun over a golden bar was mounted to be suppressed no more. It also inspired the rhyme of the national anthem: “Land of the Rising Sun”. The motto of the republic is “Peace, Unity and Freedom”.

Why do the Republic of Biafra anthem has classical music symphony ? Apparently and often overlooked. But in reality there is a deep reason.  Republic of Biafra anthem text Land of the Rising Sun, was composed on the notes of the Finlandia symphony written by Jan Sibelius in 1899 to celebrate the independence of Finland from Russia. The text of the anthem was written by Nnamdi Azikiwe, first president of Nigeria. In short the resistance of Biafra against Nigeria with her colonial and post-colonial cronies in collaboration with allied international powers resembles the victorious struggle of Finland against tsarist Russia.

The right of self-determination in international law is the legal right for ‘people’ to ascertain their sovereignty by a legitimate process.

The Right of Self-Determination as of then was only anchored in the United Nations Charter, which states in Chapter 1  Article 1 Part 2 that the purposes of the UN is ” to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples”. This has been reaffirmed in UN successive Resolutions and Declarations. African Union  Charter on human rights came into force later on 27 June 1981.

Biafra  is the first  nation of the world that put into effect this act  of the universal declaration of human rights. Though similar event previously happened in Katanga from 11 July 1960 to 15 January 1963 and South Kasai from 9 August till 5 October 1962 then Belgium colonies but was only in the form of shifting of powers and territories. Biafra was muscled down by colonial and post  colonial cronies contrary to Bagnlandesh that  she shares similarities with which had her independence on 26 March 1971.

Nigeria declared war against the Republic of Biafra  on the 6th of July 1967 aberrant to any peaceful negotiation and dialogue in what it deceitful coded as ‘police action’.

Biafra was drawn into an unprepared war and she  fought for survival and for  the true independence of Africa as rightly noted by Biafran Statesman  and world reknown writer Chinua Achebe.  It stood out as the  first challenge against post colonialism – a net fracture and radical refute of  ugly deceit of colonial and postcolonial boundaries. Unfortunately it resulted to a tragedy of world relevance.

Late Gen Odimeqwu Chukwuemeka Ojukwu, the first Head of State of the Republic of Biafra pinpointed massacre and genocide of innocent Biafran people as the core reason why Biafrans needed to have and defend a homeland for survival. In an address to the Organization of African Unity on 5 August 1968, he accused the Nigerian military dictatorial government of waging a ‘genocidal war’ against Biafra, and argued that it was ‘appalling’ that ‘this palpable genocide is being openly financed and directed by major non-African powers whose interest in the event is the economic and political advantage of their own countries’. 

African statesmen Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, Leopold Senghor of Senegal, Omar Bongo of Gabon and Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia clearly stood behind Biafra and condemned this African tragedy.

True images of genocidal crimes against Biafran children denuded, de-nutrited dying with terrific kwashiorkor epidemics: symbolize how, when and why the world nations failed humanity.

Let’s clarify a point. The recall on genocide and continual atrocities being melted against the people of Biafra is not a call to gain sympathy rather it is redress for justice, which we must seek no matter what it takes. Human sympathy is a duty to all persons of good will; liberty and justice is a right.

Biafra stood out as sacrificial lamb for humanitarianism after the second world war.  Biafra travails were made known to the world through the diligent work of Swiss Publicity Agencies – Mark Press.

Bruce Mayrock  on  29 May 1969  martyred for the people of  Biafra and humanity.

Many personalities, writers and academics were not indifferent over this  human tragedy : Graham Greene, Kurt Vonnegut; Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir and Leslie Aaron Fiedler, Aubery Wanf and Suzanne Cronje authors of Biafra: Britain’s Shame.

Bernard Kouchner (Founder in1971 Medecins sans Frontieres). Daniel  Jacobs functionary of UNICEF in his book – The Brutality of Nations – exposed the indifference of U Thant UN Secretary general and international complot against the people of Biafra.

The 1977 additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions were consequent to genocide by starvation against Biafrans. International revulsion at the use of starvation as a mayhem on innocent Biafran children by Nigerian government and cohorts was instrumental in the inclusion of clauses prohibiting starvation as a method of warfare in the 1977 Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions.

In recent years, questions on genocide in Biafra have also become topics of academic debates. The Journal of Genocide Research, published by researchers of the International Network of Genocide Scholars, edited a special issue titled “ The Nigeria-Biafra War 1967- 1970: Postcolonial Conflict and the Question of Genocide (XVI, 2-3, 2014).

Republic of Biafra is now in a state of quiescence. Biafra has the appeal of first African political civil rights techno administrative creativity. So much so that her anniversary is still a popular current phenomenon.

Biafra’s political land mark in the comity of nations, despite ‘colonial and post colonial complot’ demonstrated to Africa and the whole world, that there was no human rights more sacrosanct, than right to self-determination when all the other reasons for the survival of a human family has been threatened by an colonial created political union‘.

It is a duty that this day must be remembered and celebrated by the Biafran families.

Yes, ‘the reason’ why Republic of Biafra must be celebrated annually is still same: the ‘survival of Biafran people’. It has been from the onset legitimately sought by her generations from different perspectives and currently interpreted by the young generation in civil acts of fundamental freedom and liberty.

Biafrans feel the energy and the potential in their own rights as citizens, civil rightist or activist to remember and celebrate this day. It is a moment for the sharing of experiences, reflections and appraisal which if correctly understood and exercised in view of the Nigeria national predicaments is beneficial for our common good.

The recollection of memories by Biafrans home and abroad from all works of life have been essential in the revive of Biafra heritage and legacy that were being negated and cancelled by Nigeria authorities that have been. Equally important have been the experiences handed over by our heroes, heroines and veterans.

Biafran anniversary is also an important moment of unveiling the Biafran values to younger generation Biafrans, friends, well wishers and detractors, such like when it comes to values of nationhood created under the detects of human liberty.

Biafran legitimate defense for self-determination has been one of the best documented in the history of conflicts in Africa. Unfortunately, it has also been the mos t denied and hidden even under threat by Nigeria government and cohorts. Substantial facts and evidence of declassified documents and files from archives are now revealing what transpired, with silence offensiveness engaged by the master-minders and protagonists. Much is still expected and need to be done, as to always remember and not to forget the heinous act against peace loving people of Biafra.

Biafra De Facto Customary Government 


Phone: +1- 9173465419

Email: biafradefactogov@gmail.com

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